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Mac Donald's Granny

Pit Bull Mail...This is one of our sister sites. You can get for FREE. This is web based e-mail just like Yahoo, and it's been put together for the American Pit Bull Terrier fancier. Web based e-mail allows you to retrieve your mail no matter where you are. If you have access to a computer and the Internet, you can access your e-mail anytime, and/or anywhere. If you already have an e-mail account with another company, that's not a problem. You can use this one as a secondary account, or just forward your current e-mail account to your new web based Pit Bull Mail account.
The American Pit Bull Terrier FAQ..Still by far the best site on the net today concerning the American Pit Bull Terrier. MAC BUR has built and run this site for over 6 years now, and it's become a mainstay of good solid information and education about this breed on the net. I included this page link on my main page, but feel that it's such a valuable resource that it needed to be included in the links section of this site, as no other site compares to the quality of information that it offers.
Chako Rescue Association for the American Pit Bull Terrier... Dawn Capp is running the largest and most professional rescue group related to the American Pit Bull Terrier. This should be your first option when looking to place, or adopt one of these fine animals, as her experience in this area is second to none. She also has a large network of individuals throughout most states that can help get that dog of yours placed. This is a must visit site that has a lot to offer regarding rescue of this breed and much more. The Chako Rescue Association does not support or endorse dog fighting in any manner.
Golden Horseshoe APBT Club... Sandra always is working hard to establish an ADBA recognized club in southern Ontario, Canada. I've personally had the pleasure of meeting with Sandra and her dedication to this breed is a standard we should all work towards. If you are looking to join an ADBA recognized club, then contact the Golden Horseshoe APBT Club. Their membership numbers are growing and should allow them to offer some excellent weight pulling and conformation shows in the years to come. This will be Ontario, Canada's only ADBA recognized APBT club. Both Canadian and American members are more than welcome to join. The Golden Horseshoe APBT Club does not support or endorse dog fighting in any manner.

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Last Updated: December 6, 2007