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    Put simply, Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is racism applied to the animal kingdom. In today's progressive world it seems unthinkable that this kind of small-minded strategy would still be proposed. Doug Murray is fighting back at He is fighting OUR fight! At you can learn about pending legislation and how you can help! Support Doug today!

The Political Blog For Dog Owners:     Wake Up & Smell The Dog - There's A New Breed Of Voter In Town! Please join and express your opinion! They need our support!

We would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to MAC BUR who runs the American Pit Bull Terrier FAQ for the copy of the photo above, and for the most comprehensive FAQ to be found on the net today concerning this great breed.
We are the longest established site on the net that is solely dedicated to the Game Bred American Pit Bull Terrier, and we are still offering you the Largest information resource on the net today that deals exclusively with the Game Bred American Pit Bull Terrier. Hundreds of sites have come and gone over the years, but no site has been as dedicated to this breed as we have.
We are also home to the The Journal magazine. The Journal is the #1 magazine that is solely dedicated to the game bred American Pit Bull Terrier. Visit The Journal web site for more information, and ordering details here: The Journal.
We also support the efforts of some of the finer Pit Bull Rescue groups in trying to place this breed, and those that are working hard against breed specific legislation (BSL) that specifically targets the American Pit Bull Terrier. This is a world problem, not just a local problem, and we encourage all our visitors to speak up against this type of discrimination based solely on a well marketed campaign of fear of this breed. Try to educate your local SPCA on the positive nature of the American Pit Bull Terrier, and hold the media accountable for their poor reporting practices, that have only served to line their pockets. The name Pit Bull is a generic term used by most media outlets to profit from inaccurate reporting. It's a buzz word in their industry. They are the true exploiters of this breed, and all for the sake of profit.
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